How to Find Your ACEs Score

There's an old saying, "No matter where you go, there you are" that says a lot about life. No matter what situations we face in our lives and environment, we bring ourselves and our past experiences to them.

If you've experienced trauma at a young age, this can lead to challenges throughout your life. About 35 million children experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

Finding out your ACEs score can help you uncover some of these issues so you can face them head-on. Here's what you should know about your ACE score, how you can find it, and how it can change your life.

What Is the ACE Test?

The ACEs test consists of 10 questions that ask you whether you have experienced certain events prior to turning 18. Some of the questions include things like whether you have:

  1. Been regularly cursed at or insulted by a parent
  2. Hit or physically abused by a parent
  3. Witnessed a parent abused by the other
  4. Lived with a parent that abuses illicit drugs
  5. Lost a parent or lived apart from them due to death, incarceration, or divorce

Taking the ACEs test can offer insight into your childhood and how trauma might still affect you. These sorts of issues are prevalent throughout our society, to the point that only roughly 30% of kids graduate into adulthood without experiencing an ACE.

Your test gets a point for each instance that you answer yes to, and your score will be on a scale from 0 to 10.

How Is the ACE Test Helpful?

The ACE Test is helpful in several ways. It offers you insight into how some childhood events might have done damage to your psyche that you aren't aware of.

Getting to know how the test is used will help you figure out how to apply it to your life.

ACEs Can Damage Your Health and Well-Being

Get to know whether you experienced any ACEs, because they can play a role in your health in your adult life. These experiences can make youphysically illwhen they are bad enough.

For instance, a person that dealt with this trauma growing up is more likely to live a lifestyle that leads to chronic illness and pain. It can continuously take a psychological toll, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other issues.

They Come With Inherent Risk Factors

The ACEs test is also helpful because people with higher scores come with certain risk factors. Know that you are at higher risk can help you get the help that you need to keep your life under control.

Some of the risk factors that come with ACEs include:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Smoking
  3. Incarceration
  4. Drug and alcohol abuse
  5. Financial problems

Knowing is half the battle, and an ACEs test can help with that.

Studying Your Score Helps Professionals Treat You

Your history is one of the most important tools that professionals use to treat patients. The more a medical professional knows about your past traumas, the clearer and more effectively they'll be able to do their job.

Therapists have experience helping people who have experienced different types of ACEs, and the test can assist with that.

You'll Understand Your Behavioral Pathways

These tests are also helpful in revealing your different behavioral pathways. This is the "software" or the "why" behind why we do what we do.

Uncovering the pathways gives you the knowledge and space you need to make whatever decisions suit you.

How Can You Find Your ACEs Score?

Keep in mind that each person's score is unique to their personal experiences. When taking the test, you'll be answering based on what's true in your previous life events.

It's very important that you be truthful and honest, and rest assured that your testing information is confidential. Various organizations offer these tests, and you can take one online in a few minutes.

Once you answer all ten questions you will be given a copy of your score and a breakdown of what it potentially means.

How Should You Use Your ACEs Score?

Make sure that you get to know what your ACEs score is and what it isn't. It is a tool that can offer you some insight into how traumas people experience develop long-term frameworks, coping strategies, defense mechanisms, and personalities based on these events.

Recognize that this test isn't a predictor of your future or a rubric that limits you in any way. Think of it as the information that you need to get professional help so that you can work through these traumatic events and find out how they are limiting you.

Many people never get over these events. They continue to act them out or bury them deep within. This is how addictions, risky behavior, and other problems can begin to compound and only continue the trauma.

Learn From Adverse Childhood Experiences

The tips in this article will assist you when you'd like to find out your ACEs score. If you'd like to find out your score, look for a test and make sure that you are open and completely honest. The test will give you your score at the end and you will be able to use it however need from then.

Use this to springboard you into finding out other ways to learn about yourself and take care of your health and well-being.

Choice MD can assist you when you're looking for tips and information on navigating the healthcare system. For any questions or for more information,contact uson our web form.


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