Why You Should Schedule a Pediatric Appointment Before School

Did you know that the more children you have in your home,the more likely your household is to get sick? It's true! Children are always bringing home illnesses from school.

Because of this, it's so important to make sure your child is healthy before the school year begins! Yes, illnesses can and will still happen, but your kid can start off the year feeling great with a strong immune system.

That means it's time to schedule your child's pre-school-year pediatric appointment! Read on to learn all about the importance of these appointments.

Great Time for a Basic Health Assessment

Your child should be visiting the doctor's office at least once per year for checkups anyway, so why not do it right before the school year begins? After all, a new school year is a milestone, so it's the perfect time to make sure your child is healthy and progressing well.

You want your child to be happy and healthy when they start a new year at school. Visiting the doctor gives you the chance to make sure that there are no underlying health concerns to take care of so your child can start the new year off on the right foot.

The doctor can conduct a thorough physical examination, review your child's medical history, and address any concerns or potential issues.

Keeping Immunizations Up to Date

Does your child have all of their immunizations?

Let's face it: schools are often full of germs. This is especially true for younger classes. It's common for kids, parents, and teachers to get sick as the school year progresses because classrooms full of young children are perfect breeding grounds for germs.

Because of this, it's best to get your child vaccinated before the school year starts. As a matter of fact, depending on your child's school, it may actually be a requirement!

At the very least, you should ensure that your child is vaccinated against deadly illnesses and illnesses that are easy to spread. The CDC also has a list of recommended vaccinations by age that parents should look over and consider.

If you have questions about the necessity of any specific vaccinations, don't hesitate to talk to a qualified children's doctor. They can explain what each vaccine is for and how they will help your child so you can make an informed decision about your child's health and safety.

A Quick Vision and Hearing Screening

It's always a good idea to go through a quick vision and hearing screening before a new school year starts, regardless of whether your child has always had perfect senses or they've needed help in the past with glasses or other aids.

A child's ability to see and hear has a direct impact on their ability to succeed in school. Many children find their grades suffering not because they don't understand the material or they're not trying, but because they're struggling to see or hear the teacher during lectures or even read assigned books and projects.

Many schools offer vision and hearing screenings for young children, but it never hurts to take care of it before the school year begins. This way, if your child needs help, they'll have it before they even step foot in their new classroom for the first time.

Checking Developmental Milestones

Is your child developing at a "normal" pace? Let's find out before the new school year begins!

All children are different, and it's normal for some children to develop slightly faster or slower. Some children may be ahead one year and behind the next. That's okay, and in many cases, isn't a cause for concern.

However, certain types of delays may make school challenging for your child. If you know about the delays ahead of time, you can work together with your child's teachers to accommodate any delays.

The pediatrician can assess your child's developmental milestones, including speech and language development, fine and gross motor skills, social-emotional development, and cognitive abilities. Early detection and intervention can make a significant difference in your child's educational journey.

This is also a good time to check your child's height and weight to make sure they're on track!

Nutrition and Healthy Habits

Is your child eating well and getting enough exercise? The doctor can let you know!

A pediatric appointment offers you the perfect opportunity to discuss your child's nutrition, eating habits, and physical activity. The doctor can provide helpful guidance and information on maintaining a healthy diet, managing allergies or dietary restrictions, and promoting an active lifestyle to support your child's growth and well-being.

If your child has any specific health-related goals, such as joining a sports team, the doctor can provide information about how to stay as healthy and safe as possible. They can also offer advice about weight loss or gain (within reason, of course. Children should not fixate on their bodies).

Asking Questions About the Year Ahead

Children change so much over the course of a year, even when they're in their teens. Ask your child's doctor about what types of changes you should expect.

Depending on your child's age, this is the perfect time to ask about puberty and growth spurts. You may also have questions about nutritional changes, mental health changes, and more.

Never be afraid to ask questions. Doctors are there to help you and your child.

It's Time to Schedule a Pediatric Appointment

The new school year will be here before you know it! Are you ready? Schedule a pediatric appointment for your child so they can start the year off right.

The doctor will make sure they're developing properly, answer any health questions you have, and more.

At Choice MD, we have a directory of qualified health professionals to keep your family happy and healthy. Find theperfect medical providersfor you and your family today.


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